a Portion of the Processing Fees on select dates Benefit
Broward County Parks Foundation

Parks Foundation of Broward County's Mission
The purpose of the Foundation is to support and promote the overall benefits of maintaining and improving a healthy and sustainable park, recreation, and natural area system for residents of and visitors to Broward County.
Raise awareness and support through volunteerism, donations, and membership drives to help fund programs and services.
Support and promote the creation of educational facilities that enhance cultural and biological diversity in support of sustainability and quality of life in Broward County.
Sponsor and support events and activities in parks and communities that increase awareness of the rich natural, historical, and cultural significance of Broward County.
Support and promote the arts and culture by making venues available to the community.
Provide support to park friends groups and facilities to help reach goals and objectives.
Establish a legacy program that will provide passionate park users, friends, and families with an enduring way to make our local natural environment available for future generations.
Seek opportunities to acquire, protect, and enhance regional and natural area parklands for posterity.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
The Broward County Parks and Recreation Division proudly recognizes the Parks Foundation of Broward County as its official 501(c)(3) charitable partner.
For more information on the Parks Foundation of Broward County or to become a Foundation supporter, visit their Website. Individual and corporate donations are welcome and encouraged to help the Foundation realize improvements and programming to enhance and sustain the Parks Division's level of excellence. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.